12301 Magnolia Street . Garden Grove . California 92841 . T:714.539.9541 . E: office@orcgg.org

Our Purpose
IWe are a community of believers whose privilege and duty is to serve God and our community through worship and sacraments, outreach and service, fellowship, and Christian education. We are here to serve God and God's creation.
LOVE that openly and compassionately welcomes and includes God's children in all their diversity.
SERVICE to God's creation in the form of action in the community at large.
OUTREACH that brings God's love to the world.
WORSHIP expressed in scripture, sacrament, and music that celebrates the Holy Spirit's uplifting of the human spirit.
FELLOWSHIP that empowers God's people to collaborate creatively, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

Lutheran Tradition
We are a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and the Pacifica Synod. We believe that because we have experienced unearned grace and forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ, and because God has promised us resurrection of the body and eternal life, we serve God and our neighbor and seek to live lives that are gracious, forgiving, and generous. Since 1957, we have lived and served in Garden Grove and beyond, being church for the sake of the world. Our history and tradition guides us in practicing love to our neighbors as Jesus did through service, worship, advocacy, and reform.