12301 Magnolia Street . Garden Grove . California 92841 . T:714.539.9541 . E: office@orcgg.org
What's Happening
at Our Redeemer
Weekly Events
Tuesdays @ 12p
Adult Bible Study. ORLC member Will Fleming facilitates an Adult Bible Study each Tuesday at noon in the Choir Room (Administration Building). The focus of each week's study is the scripture for the upcoming Sunday, which enhances worship and the message. Study materials are emailed to attendees each Monday. No reservation or advance notice is required to attend, although you need to contact the church office to request placement on the email list to receive the study materials.
Tuesdays @ 7p
Praise Team Rehearsal. ORLC's Director of Music Ann Badertscher rehearses with the Praise Team in the Sanctuary in preparation for Sunday's worship and other special musical presentations. Do you play an instrument? Do you enjoy singing? Contact Ann (ann@orcgg.org) for more information.
Thursdays @ 7a
Men's Zoom Bible Study. ORLC member Lynn Badertscher leads an early Thursday morning Bible Study via Zoom. Have your coffee and participate in a lively discussion from the comfort of your own home! Contact Lynn directly (lbadertsch@aol.com) for more information.
Thursdays @ 7p
Choir Rehearsal. ORLC's Adoration Choir, directed by Ann Badertscher, rehearses in the Sanctuary in preparation for Sunday's worship and other special musical presentations. Does singing in a fabulous choir interest you? Contact Ann (ann@orcgg.org) for more information.
Saturdays @ 8a
Food Pantry. Be part of ORLC's community outreach program. The Lord's Pantry consists of volunteers who collect and purchase non-perishable food items, pack them in shopping bags, and then hand out the bags to those seeking food assistance on Saturdays between 8am and 11am. For more information, contact the church office (office@orcgg.org).
Mondays @ 11a
Grief Group. Offering support and connection that comes from being with people who have experienced a loss, this group provides emoitonal support, validation, and education about ways to grieve. It is a place for learning coping skills, relaxation techniques, stress management, and daily survival skills; members help each other to find strength, confidence, and a sense of purpose and value.
Monthly Events
2nd Saturday of the Month @ 7:30a
MEN's BREAKFAST. Enjoy coffee and your Saturday breakfast in North Hall with your siblings in Christ; each month the program varies, and includes speakers on a variety of topics, music and sing--alongs, and sometimes games! It's always a fun time of fellowship. Although this event began as a "men's" event, everyone is welcome to attend. Contact: Will Fleming (willvalryan@aol.com).
3rd Monday of the Month @ 11:00a
YOUNG-AT-HEART. This group meets for lunch and an activity or program in Endter Hall. Always a great time of socializing, the main dish is supplied and salads, side dishes, and desserts are provided by those attending. Originally established for those over 55, everyone and every age is welcome! Contact: Dorothie Bair (ddbair@gmail.com).
4th Saturday of the Month @ 2p
BOOK CLUB. Here's your opportunity to expand your horizons in literature-current and classic, fiction and non-fiction. Each month a pre-selected book is read and discussed. All avid readers are invited! Selections for 2024 include The Sea Wolf (April); The Calculating Star (May); The Only Woman in the Room (June); and The Great Mortality (July). Contact: Ron Stearns (rcs949@yahoo.com).
Meeting Once a Month
WOMEN's BIBLE STUDIES. There are various meeting dates/times, so pick which works best for you. Some meet via Zoom and others meet at members' homes.
2nd Monday of the Month @ 11:00a
Contact: Wendy Fitzharris (fourfitz2@gmail..com)
2nd Monday of the Month @ 1:00p
Contact: Susan Kent (susankent682002@yahoo.com)
4th Tuesday of the Month @ 7:00p
Contact: Karen Gustafson (karengus33@gmail.com)
4th Thursday of the Month @ 2:00p
Contact: Val Fleming (willvalryan@aol.com)